Friday, September 20, 2019

It's Always Better in Person (Video)

Do you have a New Catalog ritual?  I do.  

I lay on our living room floor on my stomach, notebook and Post-It notes to my right, favorite pen in hand, and whatever beverage I'm craving at the moment by my side.  I s-l-o-w-l-y go through the catalog, poring over every sample, dog-earing the pages of the ones I want to recreate.  At the same time, I write down every single thing that pushes my want button.  This is not the time to be practical - if I like it, it gets written on the Wish List.  

I love flipping back and forth through the pages, folding corners down, holding it up to my face for a closer inspection.  When ideas pop up, I jot them down on a Post-It note and stick it to the catalog page that inspired the idea.  My catalogs are a tool, an inspiration, and well-loved!

Here's yesterday's Facebook Live.  You'll get to see Holiday Catalog products close-up and out of the package (and seeing it's my second video EVER, please extend grace to me!).  After watching it, make sure to email me at or send me a message on Facebook to request a free catalog package. 

There's so much to be excited about in this catalog!  I'm eager to share the experience with you, so make sure to follow me on Facebook and visit my blog regularly to see projects you can create.  Most importantly, email me at nicole so I can send you your own catalog copy.  Start a new catalog ritual and share the excitement!

Stampin' Up!'s Buy 3, Get 1 Free Designer Series Paper sale!  Shop with Nicole Steele

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