Monday, August 19, 2019

Let's Hear It For The Buckeyes!

I love my aunt's buckeyes.

Love is actually a pretty weak word to describe how much I enjoy them, though.  She makes them at Christmas, so I have them just once a year.  That makes them all the more delectable.  I have 364 days to build them up in my mind, remembering the rich combination of peanut butter and chocolate.  I'm embarrassed to say how many I eat at Christmas!  Well, no I'm not.  I eat dozens.  Sure, I could have a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup but they aren't even close to my aunt's buckeyes and I refuse to settle when it comes to sweets.  And, yes, I could just ask her for the recipe and make them any time I want but not only would that be dangerous to my health (because I'd want them every week) it also would take away some of the magic and anticipation of Christmas.  

WELL, my aunt came to visit yesterday and she brought me buckeyes!  My own pan!  In August!  When it's 90 degrees!  Not even close to Christmas!  

My aunt's amazing buckeyes!

It made my weekend.  I am so easily pleased.

I have some irony for you, though.  While the buckeyes made a surprise appearance long before their typical Christmas showing, I have a Christmas card to share with you today.  

Stampin' Up!'s Perfectly Plaid trio of trees using the Pine Punch and Wrapped in Plaid DSP

The Wrapped In Plaid DSP is so cozy - my favorite feeling - and it looks gorgeous paired with gold!  I also love that it is in traditional colors of Shaded Spruce and Cherry Cobbler.  

Did you see this trick to save on paper here?  I used a similar idea with the gold foil mat.  A rectangle is cut from the center of the gold foil piece to use on another project.  The hole left behind is hidden by the Wrapped In Plaid DSP panel.  This trick is such a super way to stretch those pricier papers (like the foils and glimmers).

I used the Perfectly Plaid set to stamp those tree images, three times each in Shaded Spruce.  I stamped their trunks with Early Espresso ink, then used the co-ordinating Pine Punch to punch the trees out.  The stamp set and the punch can be bought as a bundle at a discounted price in the Stampin' Up! Holiday catalog!  

The Shaded Spruce/Gold Striped ribbon is also in the Stampin' Up! Holiday Catalog that is available to customers September 4.  But if you want them now, join my team as a demonstrator and you can put them in your Starter Kit.

I have a SUPER fun class planned with this suite of products!  I'll be announcing it in a couple weeks after the catalog goes live.  I can't wait to share the class projects with you!  The ideas with this product suite were flowing so fast - and I'm sharing them all with you as a class because I know you'll love them!

Email Nicole Steele The Joyful Stamper to get a copy of Stampin' Up!'s Holiday 2019 catalog!

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